Performance spectre » Technical documentation » Assembly instructions

Assembly instructions Important milestones in workshop routine and for the final customer.

Assembly instructions describe the installation and removal of components and systems as well as their respective adjustments, in the most different forms.
The assembly instructions from our house are subdivided into repair guidelines, installation instructions and build-up documentation.


Workshop manual

If required, we take over the investigation tasks at the manufacturer’s premises and in the technical development. These include corresponding test assemblies of the products.

In this scope we elaborate the corresponding repair, adjustment, and testing sequences and prepare the necessary graphics for this.
Complete repair instructions are created by this, explaining the assembly process step by step, and supporting the workshop staff during their repair, adjustment, and testing tasks.

Installation instructions

Using images and text, installation instructions have the purpose to describe the fixing or installation of the purchased product in or to a vehicle to the customer.

They are added to the product by the supplier in form of a document. Additionally, the orderer provides them in electronic form. This information can then be retrieved and used by the dealers.

Build-up documentation

Build-up documentation offers important support for the comparison of different development statuses, or as design patterns. Accompanying the build-up of special or individual vehicles, we prepare the corresponding build-up documentation. Removal or installation descriptions for different components can also be prepared in this scope.